bymyself 썸네일형 리스트형 day6-there is ~/there are!! i couldn't sleep well yesterday because it's too hot so i was so tirded this morning but i studied in an hour and i took a bicycle about 30 minutes i went to work on time because it's a day when i finish work late i worked 11 to 9 and i went to go pilates studio it was too hard today today class is there is ~ there are ~ it is many peple useing it but it's not familiar to me practice is the only.. 더보기 day5 be going to~~ i skipped study and exercise yesterday!!!! so i studied more many people are confused WILL and BE GOING TO!! for now i understand a little!! today is sunday ,so i study a little ,i'm going to study and exercise more tomorrow!!! ex)의문사 (who ,what,when,where,why,how)+are you going to eat? be going to ~할거야/계획되어있는 ,예정되어있는 i am going to wake up early tomorrow i am going to go to bed late tonight will.. 더보기 이전 1 다음