본문 바로가기


day5 be going to~~


i skipped study and exercise yesterday!!!!

so i studied more

many people are confused  WILL and BE GOING TO!!

for now  i understand a little!!

today is sunday ,so i study a little ,i'm going to study and exercise more tomorrow!!!


(who ,what,when,where,why,how)+are you going to eat?

be going to ~할거야/계획되어있는 ,예정되어있는

i am going to wake up early tomorrow
i am going to go to bed late tonight

will ~하겟다 /의지전달,계획 x 예정x

i will do that
i'll help you
i'll ask her when i see her


'혼자하는영어공부' 카테고리의 다른 글

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