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day 7


it's hard /difficult/easy/convenient/comfortable  + 동사

it's to forgot
+it's really easy to lost

it's hard to concentrate  because it's so noisy

take /cost   걸리는시간 /걸리는 비용

it takes a lot of time
it doesn't take a lot of time
it took a lot of time
it  didn't take a lot of time
it's going to take a lot of time
it is not going to take a lot of time

it costs a lot of money
it doesn't cost very much
it cost alot of money
it didn't cost very much
it's going to cost a lot of money
it's not going to cost very much

i left work early and i went to eat "양곱창“

it been a while ,but it was really good

i think the best one restaurant in GUMI about 양곱창

we ate early for dinner and came home

i took a walk  with my dog because i filled

tmorrow i going to eat something lite!!!


'혼자하는영어공부' 카테고리의 다른 글

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