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i  didn't sleep well so i was tired today

because i got a stomachache, i went to the toilet

but i had to wake up early because i reserved my car repair

early morning i left my car in charge and i went to work

i found a car in the middle of work

the whole day i got a stomachache so i ate 물냉면 for dinner in a while

it was so good!!!!!

the anything eat litter is better

when  / as soon as 하자마자

i'll call you when i arrive
as soon as i arrive

after  /  before

i'm going to go to the movies after work
i have a time after the meeting
i'm going to go for run before i go to work
i always check the weather forecast  before i leave in the moring


let's just stay here until the rain stops
i waited until yesterday
we waited until someone leaves
you just have to keep doing it until you get used to it

bored  /  boring

it's boring (i'm boring x)
the movie was boring

i'm bored

confusing  /  confused

it's confusing /it's so confusing it's really confusing
i'm confused 헷갈려요 /난 잘모르겟어요/혼란스러워요


i'm excited
i'm so excited about the trip


i'm interasted in ---/----에 관심이있다
i'm very interasted in this

annoying  짜증이날때 계속반복/ frustrating 내맘대로 안될때

keep + ing 자꾸하다 계속하다

he keeps texting me late night when i 'm trying to go to bed
its so annoying
last night i was so annoyed i just turned off my phone

i couldn't find my car keys anywhere
it was so frustrating
after 30 miuntes i gave up and i just took the bus


'혼자하는영어공부' 카테고리의 다른 글

day 10  (0) 2023.06.28
day9  (0) 2023.06.24
day 7  (0) 2023.06.20
day6-there is ~/there are!!  (0) 2023.06.19
day5 be going to~~  (0) 2023.06.18