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Day 3 -be동사의 활용


today i was lessoned about Be verb

it is very useful but confusing

so the lesson is very hard for me

today i saw many sentences ,and i made  many sentences

i am going to take two lessons from tomrrow


a:how about this (one)
b:what color is this? is it black?
a:no it's not black it's dark blue
does it have to be black?
b:yeah i  think it should be black
a:why does it have to be black?
b;because everything else is black

a:how about this?
b:it's in english
a:can't it be in english?
+it can't be in english?
b:no but i think it should be in korean
a:why does it have to be in korean?
b:because it's more natural
people are more comfortable with korean

a:are you done with the list
a:why is it all mixed ?is it not in alphletical order?
b:does it have to be in order
a:no but i think it should be in order don't you?

#be #english #bymyself #liveacademy #beginner #영어공부 #여행준비 #미국여행준비 #독학 #영어공부독학 #왕초보영어 #해외여행 #미국여행 #LA #LA여행
