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day 2 today class is 3인칭 +단수


오늘 아침 일찍 일어나서 1시간 집에서 공부했다 

i woke up early in this mornning  i studied english at home


오늘은 3인칭+단수  동사에 +s 붙이는 거였다

today class was  3rd person singular  verb+s

기본 중의 기본이지만  정확하게 알지 못했던!!  근데 이거는 본능에 가까운 거라서 실수를 하지 말아야 한다고 한다 

this is bacis but i didn't know exactly 

but this is close to instinct , so you shouldn't make mistakes 


이거는 아는 것보다 연습을 진짜 많이 해야 하는 거 같다 

i guess this takes a lot more  practice  than i know


그냥 입에서 계속 나오게!!

just come out of your mouth!!!


연습만이 중요하다!!

practice is very important


몇 가지 작문을 하고  아침 공부를 마무리했다 

i finished morningstudy after i made sentences(=making sentences)


그리고 나는 자전거로 30분 운동을 했다 youtube 보면서

and than i did 30-minute work by  homebike while watching youtube


오늘도 화이팅 !!

cheers today toooooo!!!


3인칭 단수 :he /she /it /사람이름


he works everyday

she studies at home 2 hours a day

he exercises by himslef 

Jane cooks petty well



he doesn't work

she doesn't study

Jane doesn't cook



he works hard / he doesn't work hard


she cooks petty well but she doesn't cook almost everyday


Jane studies english 2 hours a day at home almost every day but she doesn't speak english well


he works hard almost everyday 8 hours aday but he doesn't get some money alot


when i go to that restaurant i always get/choose the same thing

but my wife gets adifferent one everytime

yesterday she got/chose something... i dont remember

what it was(뭐였는지)

anyway she never gets /chooses) the samething  twice in a row(두 번 연속)


i am on yourside!!



