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la출국 대비 영어공부 시작하다 (with 라이브아카데미)


미국가기 5개월남은 오늘부터  영어공부를 제대로 시작한다 
Start studying english properly(제대로) from today 5months left before going to the US
주로 유튜브로 공부 하기로했다  라이브아카데미로
i study mainly with youtube  to  the liveacademi
미드쉐도잉을 하려고했으나 
i tried to do American drama shadowing
그건나에게 너무 어려웠다 
that's too hard for me 
일단은 그래서 기초부터 하려고한다  
for now ,i will try to start with basics
6/13 today's english
i work 
i study
i cook
i work out/exercise
every day /on weekends /in an office /mainly with books /at home
six hours a day / peretty well /almost everyday 
once in a while / by myself
ex)i work 8hours a day
i study english on weekends at home by myself mainly with youtube
i cook almost everyday by myself at home
i work out 1hours a day  by myself at home
i go to camping  once in a while in summer time
i go to work  10am almost everyday
i said 
did you eat?
how was yourday?
   i cook once in a while  i made 불고기덮밥 yesteday
it was pretty good 
i'll make it for you nexttime!!
i can~
i can drive you to the airport
i can read yourmine!!!
i can get there by 7

will-하겟다 ,의지전달
i wll do that
be going to
이미하기로 결정낫고 예정되어있는거
i am going to wake up early tomorrow
#english #englishstudy #bymyself #여행준비 #영어준비 #기초영어 #영어회화 #라이브아카데미 #영포자 
#40대영어 #할수있다 #icandoit #tryagain


'혼자하는영어공부' 카테고리의 다른 글

day6-there is ~/there are!!  (0) 2023.06.19
day5 be going to~~  (0) 2023.06.18
day-4 한문장으로 4가지 만들기  (0) 2023.06.16
Day 3 -be동사의 활용  (0) 2023.06.15
day 2 today class is 3인칭 +단수  (0) 2023.06.14