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day9 my husband went to hang out with his friends so i am going to go to BUSAN with my younger sister because my younger brother lives in BUSAN this weekend will be nice weather so i am very excited today i going to leave around 4 i really worry about my dog home alone , but if going with him ,it would be hard for me so i just decided to leave him alone at home 할것/살거 /먹을거/마실것 Do you have something to.. 더보기
day8 i didn't sleep well so i was tired today because i got a stomachache, i went to the toilet but i had to wake up early because i reserved my car repair early morning i left my car in charge and i went to work i found a car in the middle of work the whole day i got a stomachache so i ate 물냉면 for dinner in a while it was so good!!!!! the anything eat litter is better when / as soon as 하자마자 i'll cal.. 더보기
day 7 it's hard /difficult/easy/convenient/comfortable + 동사 ex) it's to forgot +it's really easy to lost it's hard to concentrate because it's so noisy take /cost 걸리는시간 /걸리는 비용 it takes a lot of time it doesn't take a lot of time it took a lot of time it didn't take a lot of time it's going to take a lot of time it is not going to take a lot of time it costs a lot of money it doesn't cost very much it.. 더보기
구미 no.1 양곱창!!! (지인&우리부부피셜)/구미맛집/신평맛집 오늘은 일찍 가게 문을 닫고 남편이랑 오픈런으로 양곱창 집을 다녀왔어요!!! 5시오픈인데 저희는 진짜 5시 조금 넘어서 들어갓다는 평일 화요일 5시에 곱창 오픈런 하는 우리는 진짜 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ신평양곱창 경북구미시 구미대로 402 1층 open 17:00-24:00 메뉴는 엄청 간단하다 곱창 ,대창,막창,염통 우리는 늘먹는 곱창 1인분 대창 1인분 주문했어요!! 주문하면 제일먼저 나오는 콩나물국 같은거랑 소스~~ 남편은 저국을 엄청 좋아하더라구요!!!!정말 너무 아름답지 않나요?? 초벌해서 부추무침이랑 떡구이랑 마늘가루뿌려서 !! 진짜 맛있어요!!! 사실 한우곱창 대창이야 어디든 맛이 없겟냐만은 !! 진짜 이집이 제가 먹은 집 중에서 NO 1 고추송송 소스에 찍어먹으면 진짜 대박 !!저는 개인적으로는 곱창은 .. 더보기
day6-there is ~/there are!! i couldn't sleep well yesterday because it's too hot so i was so tirded this morning but i studied in an hour and i took a bicycle about 30 minutes i went to work on time because it's a day when i finish work late i worked 11 to 9 and i went to go pilates studio it was too hard today today class is there is ~ there are ~ it is many peple useing it but it's not familiar to me practice is the only.. 더보기
day5 be going to~~ i skipped study and exercise yesterday!!!! so i studied more many people are confused WILL and BE GOING TO!! for now i understand a little!! today is sunday ,so i study a little ,i'm going to study and exercise more tomorrow!!! ex)의문사 (who ,what,when,where,why,how)+are you going to eat? be going to ~할거야/계획되어있는 ,예정되어있는 i am going to wake up early tomorrow i am going to go to bed late tonight will.. 더보기
내강아지 여름보양식만들기-강아지북어국 요즘 내강아지가 방광염에 걸리고 여름도 타는 바람에 왠지 안쓰러워 졌어요!! 여름마다 보양식을 해주는 편인데 이번에 만든건 북어두부계란국 강아지보양식 -북어두부계란국 일단 북어를 물에 담겨 염분기를 빼야되요 저는 전날부터 해서 12시간이상 물갈아주면서 했구요!!! 뼈까지 발린 북어채를 사서 크게 손질할건 없었어요 두부는 300그램 다넣어주고 계란은 한개 이렇게만 있으면 되요!!!보글보글 끓는물에 북어만 넣고 일단 끓여요!! 그러면서 거품은 한두번 더 걷어줘요!!!두부까지 넣고 다시 보글보글마지막에 계란을 풀고 휘휘 저어주면 끝!!!한그릇 주고 남은건 그릇에 담아서 냉장고행!!! 진짜 완전 흥분해서 먹어요!!! 재료 준비할때 부터 완전 왔다갔다 난리도 아니었는데 완전 like dog 처럼 먹더라구요!!!!.. 더보기
day-4 한문장으로 4가지 만들기 today lesson was i mabe 4 sentences i am confused about too many things so i'm going to make it by myself with various kinds of teacher said "understand is once practices is more 100 times" these days ,my daily routine is i wake up 7am i study english 1 hour and take a bicycle i got a good habit ,good for me ex) leave-left i leave early everyday i don't leave early everyday she leaves early ever.. 더보기